Thursday, March 08, 2007


Selling with passion - that was the topic of a training I attended yesterday. It was mostly global gyaan, with a few sales closes, the process etc thrown in. Not bad, but not very good either. Kunal recently suggested a career move - out of banking, id est. Come to think of it, its no big deal for me what with this being my 3rd job in as many years! Another change... well, lets see. Apparently the fact that I have an IT degree apart from the quintissential MBA may just help me get that. Fancy titles, though - Consultant / Analyst etc. Having thought about it and after discussing over it, I guess why not. But before that, let me do all I haven't done while I've been here in banking. Let me go about ruthless, persevering selling to the hilt before taking a bow, if at all!

No, no, no. I haven't decided to move on, its just a thought, a very interesting one at that. So I'm embarking on doing just that. Give me a week and I will update you with how it went. And all this while I thought I was an advisor...


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Reticent said...

Selling with passion!!! ha ha! reminds me of the Dale Carnegi one we all had attended.

maYank said...

Oh yeah!! That was so much fun, man...